Collectively, they were extremely loud for 40 minutes of college basketball regulation time — or nearly two hours counting all the timeouts, clock stoppage, pregame..
The 42nd annual Middle Tennessee State University Salute to Veterans and Armed Forces game and activities will definitely have a World War II theme as..
The general public interested in star gazing, galaxies and more will provide input into the next Middle Tennessee State University Star Party this week...
Tilleigh Nazer-Lemer came with 70 fellow Center for Creative Arts students recently on two buses to visit Middle Tennessee State University in Murfreesboro — and was hooked...
From “intense” to “amazing,” those were two of the reactions to hands-on experiences for more than 150 combined middle and high schoolers attending the 28th annual..
Identical twins Elisabeth “BiBi” and Maxine Beasley do virtually everything — education at Renaissance Virtual (4.2 GPAs) in Athens, Alabama, showing Tennessee walking horses at The Celebration and personal..
There’s still time to get your certified organic cucumber, broccoli, cauliflower, tomatoes and even cut flowers from the MTSU Small Farm at the Murfreesboro Saturday Market...
Middle Tennessee State University students and faculty will observe fall break from Saturday, Oct. 12, through Tuesday, Oct. 15...
Partnerships, Daniels Center, Daniels Veterans Center, Charlie and Hazel Daniels Veterans and Military Family Center, Veterans, Fundraiser, Alumni News, Jim Mattis, Bill Frist, Sidney A...
JoEllen M. DuBose said Knoxville-area social services departments classify her living situation as sheltering or homeless because she sleeps on her father’s couch...