The Drowsy Chaperone,” a delightful parody of the American 1920s musical comedy, will take MTSU’s Tucker Theatre stage for five shows in April presented by..
A pair of forensic scientists who’ve studied the 1876 clash on the shores of the Little Bighorn River in south central Montana delivered a special..
Thirteen MTSU students worked as legislative interns this spring during the most recent session of the Tennessee General Assembly in Nashville. Twelve of them gathered..
Journalist Soledad O’Brien delivered the March 26 keynote address for MTSU’s celebration of National Women’s History Month. The award-winning broadcaster, best known for her documentary..
The university’s first retail printing center held a grand opening celebration March 24-26 to officially introduce the state-of-the-art printing capabilities now available to the campus..
180 posters in the Middle Tennessee State University Student Union Ballroom, Friday, March 21, 2014, showcased Universitywide Scholars Day–the grand finale to eighth annual Scholars..
danah boyd, a principal researcher at Microsoft Research and a research assistant professor in media, culture and communication at New York University, appeared Wednesday, March 19,..
No. 20/22 Middle Tennessee Women’s Basketball heads west to Seattle, Wash., this week for the program’s 17th NCAA Tournament appearance, as the team learned their..
MTSU School of Agribusiness and Agriscience students, especially upperclassmen, gained a greater insight into the job market with the recent sixth annual Ag Career Fair...
MTSU embarked on another phase of its emphasis on student success with the Monday, March 10, opening of the $16 million Student Services and Admissions..