MT Imagine Animation Studios, stylized as MT IMAGINE, serves clients by creating animated content for MTSU and organizations outside the university. ..
In the News: MTSU faculty talk Middle East politics, voting concerns, metal theft, loan advice, more
Middle Tennessee State University faculty and staff recently provided the media with their perspectives on various issues, including the fall of the Assad regime, voting concerns,..
Middle Tennessee State University representatives appeared on WGNS Radio recently to share information about the airing of this year’s “Joys of the Season” arts showcase,..
Three Middle Tennessee State University students have been awarded the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship to study abroad in the coming year...
MURFREESBORO, Tenn. — Tech-savvy Middle Tennessee State University and Engineering Technology and Mechatronics Engineering students exhibited their one- and two-semester capstone projects during the fall Mech-Techstudent project expo, held recently in the..