The numbers are in, and Middle Tennessee State University employees have again promised to give back to the community in a big way with a record $132,503.04 pledged during this year’s Charitable Giving Campaign.
The $132,000-plus in pledges represented 106 percent of the $125,000 goal, with 883 participants — 39.4 percent of the university’s faculty and staff — also marking a new record for the campaign.

Dr. Sidney A. McPhee
“I am very proud and pleased that our True Blue community showed its support for the communities we serve by donating and participating in our Charitable Giving Campaign in record numbers,” said MTSU President Sidney A. McPhee.
“I deeply appreciate the hard work of the volunteer team that organized this year’s effort, as well as the generosity of the many faculty and staff members who participated in this annual tradition.”
MTSU’s annual Charitable Giving Campaign is a monthlong effort by faculty and staff to support worthy causes. The campaign is fueled largely by monthly payroll deductions from employees over the next year, but also allows one-time, lump-sum gifts at the donor’s discretion.

MTSU Provost Mark Byrnes, left, presents Dr. David Urban, dean of the Jennings A. Jones College of Business, with the Provost’s Cup, recognizing the highest percentage of participation in the employee Charitable Giving Campaign. This is the sixth straight year the Jones College has earned this honor. (MTSU photo by Allison McGoffin)
During the Oct. 1-Nov. 1 campaign, participants designated gifts to organizations from a list of 10 independent charities and three federated groups of charities, including Community Health Charities, Community Shares, and local United Way organizations.
Throughout the month, participants’ names were entered into weekly drawings for a variety of “True Blue” swag and reserved parking spaces. All MTSU employees were eligible for the drawings, even those who chose not to give, as long as they registered at the campaign website.
Provost Mark Byrnes thanked the faculty and academic units for their tradition of participation in the campaign and presented the Provost Cup to Dr. David Urban, dean of the Jones College of Business, for the sixth straight year.
The college with the highest percentage of employee participation each year receives the cup.
“The Provost Cup represents a friendly competition for an outstanding cause, and I’m extremely proud to see the level of participation from faculty and staff continue to rise and set new records,” Byrnes said. “Congratulations again to Dean Urban and his college for keeping the bar raised, and I look forward to next year’s competition.”
“The Jones College is thrilled to again claim the Provost Cup for another year, but more importantly to be a part of this universitywide campaign to give back to the community,” said Urban, before adding a bit of friendly ribbing to his fellow academic colleges: “We look forward to keeping our streak intact next year.”
Last year’s MTSU campaign resulted in pledges totaling $128,593.04 — a then- record for the campaign and 107 percent of its goal.
“This campaign is yet another example of the tremendous role our university plays in our city, region and state,” McPhee said.