A major restaurant franchise is giving back some of its profits to fund a service for job-seeking MTSU students.
For each special flier presented Monday, Oct. 20, at the Chili’s restaurant at 755 N.W. Broad St. in Murfreesboro, the restaurant will donate 10 percent of the proceeds to Raiders’ Closet.
The Raiders’ Closet founder, Dr. Virginia Hemby-Grubb, will be at the restaurant to hand out fliers to customers as they walk in.
Hemby-Grubb, a professor in the Department of Business Communication and Entrepreneurship, created Raiders’ Closet to provide students with gently used professional attire to wear on job interviews.
“Raiders’ Closet will always be in need of gently used professional suits, accessories and monetary donations, because each time a student secures a suit from our inventory, we must replace it with another suit,” Hemby-Grubb said.
“The ‘give back’ event with Chili’s on Oct. 20 will ensure that Raiders’ Closet has funds available with which to replenish our inventory.”
Raiders’ Closet, which is located in Room 327 of the Keathley University Center, allows students to try on professional clothing items and keep them, free. It depends on donations of both clothing and money to operate.
The Oct. 20 fundraiser is good only at the Northwest Broad Street Chili’s location from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. and is good for all food and nonalcoholic beverage sales.
For more information, contact Hemby-Grubb at 615-898-2369 or virginia.hemby-grubb@mtsu.edu or Jaye Kiblinger at 615-898-2902 or jaye.kiblinger@mtsu.edu.
— Gina K. Logue (gina.logue@mtsu.edu)

Dr. Virginia Hemby-Grubb displays some of the items available for students preparing for job interviews and new jobs at the newly relocated Raiders’ Closet. (file photo submitted)