More than 100 MTSU students mainly from the School of Agribusiness and Agriscience met with representatives from nine vendors and the Peace Corps during the annual Ag Career Fair March 18 in the Tennessee Livestock Center.

MTSU seniors Joshua Young, left, and Allyssa Vandenburg listen as Sarah Hollins of Natural Creations LLC in Nashville answers questions about her company March 18 during the annual School of Agribusiness and Agriscience Career Fair in the Tennessee Livestock Center. Young, who is from Smyrna, Tennessee, and Vandenburg, who is from Ramer, Tennessee, are plant and soil science majors scheduled to graduate in December. (MTSU photos by News and Media Relations)
Agriculture-related companies and universities also included Farm Credit Mid-America, Cal-Main Foods Inc., Thompson Machinery, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Tyson, Tennessee State University’s College of Graduate Studies, Natural Creations LLC, Landscape Services Inc. and the Rutherford Farmers Co-Op.
— Randy Weiler (

MTSU seniors Janie Bell, right, and Matthew Bergin listen to Natural Resources Conservation Service representatives including Leon Tillman talk about their company during the School of Agribusiness and Agriscience Career Fair March 18 in the Tennessee Livestock Center. NRCS was among 10 vendors recruiting from more than 100 students. Bell, an animal science major from Nashville, will graduate in May. Bergin, a senior animal science major from Omaha, Nebraska, is scheduled to graduate in December.