Middle Tennessee State University has been recognized by the state of Tennessee’s Emergency Medical Services Board for its efforts to help train emergency medical personnel on new statewide licensure standards.
Randy White, instructor coordinator of the EMS program at MTSU, worked with MTSU’s University College to create online instructional videos to help emergency medical technicians currently classified as EMT-IV to make the transition to Advanced Emergency Medical Technician, or AEMT, status.

In this screenshot from a demonstration video, Randy White, instructor coordinator of the Emergency Medical Services program at MTSU, shows the proper technique for emergency medical technicians to use the Pharyngeal Tracheal Lumen (PTL) Airway device.
The state EMS Board, which oversees EMS standards across the state, presented MTSU and White with a proclamation recognizing the effort to help Tennessee’s EMTs comply with national standards.
Achieving “advanced” EMT status requires a technician to complete an eight-hour course divided into four hours of online work and four hours of practical lab and evaluation. The latter is where White’s videos, practice scenarios and compliance checklist come into play.
David Foster, marketing director of MTSU’s University College, filmed White demonstrating the proper skills in giving patients naloxone, a narcotic reversal drug, as well as nitrous oxide.
White also is shown in a video using the proper techniques for pediatric intraosseous infusion, an injection method used when traditional IV techniques are not possible.
“EMTs take the test and get a certificate for the online skills,” White said, “then they present it to an instructor coordinator for the state, who will review and then assess their practical lab skills.
“That’s the good part about the video. (EMTs) can go in and view what the skill looks like. Then they can practice the correct technique on their own. We made the videos so that they will know what to do and how to do it.”
White, who helped craft the transition curriculum for the state, said the eight-hour course is not mandatory, but those who don’t complete it cannot use the skills in the field and would receive a lower classification of EMT.
“The use of videos in continuing education training is extremely cost-effective in dollars and time while it allows the user to view it multiple times as they perfect their skills,” Foster said. “Randy is an excellent instructor, and this medium allows him to extend his reach far beyond the local area.”
The videos can been seen at www.youtube.com/mtsuanytime.
To sign up for the AEMT transition course, visit http://health.state.tn.us/ems/ and click on the “AEMT Transition” link at the top. For more information on the course, call 615-741-2213.
The EMS Board is part of the Tennessee Department of Health’s EMS Division, which oversees a statewide EMS system comprising thousands of paramedics and EMTs, who work for 210 ambulance services that operate 1,300 ambulances across Tennessee. More than a million patients are transported each year, according to the Tennessee Department of Health.
For more information about MTSU’s EMT training offerings, visit http://www.mtsu.edu/universitycollege/training/emt.php.
— Jimmy Hart (jimmy.hart@mtsu.edu)