Dr. June Hall McCash spoke recently about her book, “A Titanic Love Story: Ida and Isodor Straus,” on “MTSU On the Record” with host Gina Logue on WMOT-FM (89.5 and www.wmot.org).

The love story of philanthropists Ida and Isodor Straus, who died together on the Titanic 100 years ago, is the topic of Dr. June Hall McCash’s latest book. (photo submitted)

Dr. June McCash
You can listen to their conversation here.
McCash, founding director of the MTSU University Honors Program and former chair and now professor emerita of the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, tells the true story of the German Jewish immigrants who died aboard the RMS Titanic in 1912.
The Strauses rose from poverty to own Macy’s Department Store in New York and become renowned philanthropists.
After the Titanic struck an iceberg, Isodor refused to enter a lifeboat so that women and children could go first. Ida refused to enter the lifeboat, too, saying she would rather die with her husband than live without him.
To listen to previous “MTSU On the Record” programs, go to the “Audio Clips” archives here.
For more information about “MTSU On the Record,” contact Logue at 615-898-5081 or WMOT-FM at 615-898-2800.