MTSU students and administrators are planning to co-host a fun-filled night of culture and creativity for the entire community Thursday, May 14.

Chinese dancers entertain the crowd at The Discovery Center at Murfree Spring last September during a special Chinese Culture Celebration Day. MTSU will sponsor a similar event, “Asian Night,” at Black Fox Elementary School May 14. (MTSU file photo)
The Confucius Institute at MTSU and the Saudi Students Association will be two of the organizations contributing to “Asian Night” from 6 to 8 p.m. May 14 at Black Fox Elementary School, 1753 S. Rutherford Blvd. in Murfreesboro.
Activities will include children’s games, calligraphy, tea ceremonies, Chinese dances and traditional music and food.
“Through the years, the Confucius Institute’s partnership with Murfreesboro City Schools has only grown stronger,” said Mike Novak, assistant director of the Confucius Institute. “Asian Night is one example of our partnership.”
The mission of the Confucius Institute at MTSU is to enhance the understanding of Chinese language and culture, facilitate engagement with China and create opportunities for exchange and collaboration between communities in Tennessee and China.
“Asian Night” is free and open to the public. For more information, contact the institute at 615-494-8696 or Black Fox Elementary at 615-893-6395.
— Gina K. Logue (