Learn about recent accomplishments by MTSU faculty, staff and administrators and stay informed about their activities with these regular updates. To submit an item for the update, email gina.fann@mtsu.edu.
Spring 2015 Update

Dr. Murat Arik

Dr. Joseph Akins
A new album by Dr. Joseph Akins (recording industry) has been nominated for an award by Zone Music Reporter, the industry source for new age, world, ambient, electronic, solo piano, relaxation, instrumental and other genres of music. Akins’ “A Southern Sun” was nominated for Best Piano Album – Solo. ZMR will announce winners in this category and 12 others May 9 at the 11tn annual ZMR Music Award Concert in New Orleans, Louisiana. “A Southern Sun” also was included in MainlyPiano.com’s list of “Top 30 Favorites of 2013,” and Enlightened Piano Radio nominated it as Album of the Year.
Dr. Murat Arik (Business and Economic Research Center) has published a new book, “Understanding and Analyzing Competitive Dynamics,” to which BERC senior research associate Steve Livingston also contributed. It analyzes business and economic dynamics from an interdisciplinary perspective by incorporating tools and approaches from regional economic development, international business and strategic management literature. The book aims to help economic development students understand what makes a region stand out from the crowd, why some regions with a similar institutional structure and business environment perform better than others and how leaders can set new strategic directions for their regions.

Professor Marc Barr

Dr. Hugh Berryman
Professor Marc Barr (electronic media communication) will serve as conference chair for the 42nd International Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, or SIGGRAPH, to be held in Los Angeles Aug. 9-13. The annual SIGGRAPH conference is a five-day interdisciplinary educational experience in the latest computer graphics and interactive techniques including a three-day commercial exhibition that attracts hundreds of exhibitors from around the world.
Dr. Hugh Berryman (sociology and anthropology, Forensic Institute for Research and Education) has been named to the Crime Scene/Death Investigation Scientific Area Committee’s Anthropology Subcommittee within the Organization of Scientific Area Committees. The Organization of Scientific Area Committees has been established to coordinate new standards and guidelines for the forensic science community. Its 402 new members will serve on 23 subcommittees to develop uniform guidelines for forensic practices in biology/DNA, chemistry/instrumental analysis, crime scene/death investigations, digital/multimedia and physics/pattern interpretation. You can learn more about the members’ responsibilities at www.nist.gov/forensics/osacroles.cfm.

Professor John Hill

Dr. Ken Hollman
Dr. Ken Hollman (Martin Chair of Insurance, economics and finance) has been named a recipient of a “Ruthies Award” for “Favorite MTSU Professor” as voted upon by the readers of the Daily News Journal. Hollman also received the honor in 2013.
An album project that professor John Hill (recording industry) recorded and mixed for cellist Michael Samis received the “Best New Classical Recording” selection by the Nashville Scene. The album, featuring a “lost” cello concerto by Carl Reinecke, was released by Delos in June 2014 and also features collaborations with the Gateway Chamber Orchestra and percussionist Eric Willie. Hill also is mixing an album featuring ALIAS and PORTARA, two ensembles from Nashville who also received “Best of Nashville” nods for their own classical music contributions. That album will be released as part of a full album of Moravec compositions on the Delos label later this year.

Beverly Keel

Jacki Lancaster
Beverly Keel (recording industry), chair of the Department of Recording Industry, is one of four people to be honored May 14 by the Nashville Public Education Foundation with its annual Distinguished Alumni Awards at a Hall of Fame luncheon. Keel, an alumna of Nashville’s McGavock High School as well as MTSU and Columbia University, is being recognized for her professional and personal accomplishments as an award-winning journalist, music industry executive and MTSU administrator and professor. Keel was honored in 2014 with Murfreesboro Magazine’s Women in Business Award and the Nashville Business Journal’s Women in Music City Award. The Nashville Public Education Foundation is a nonprofit organization that works to combine community intellectual, creative and financial resources to improve the city’s education system.
Additions and Changes

Joe Whitefield

Alan Thomas
Jacki Lancaster (New Student and Family Programs) is the new coordinator for the MTSU Office of New Student and Family Programs. Most recently an enrollment counselor in the MT One Stop, Lancaster previously worked with New Student and Family Programs as an undergrad and as a graduate assistant. She now works with CUSTOMS and is the direct liaison with the university’s Parent and Family Association.
The Division of Business and Finance at MTSU has implemented personnel changes after a pair of retirements. Alan Thomas, formerly controller in MTSU’s Business Office, moved to the position of associate vice president for business and finance. He replaces Mike Gower, who retired from MTSU in December. Joe Whitefield, previously executive director of facilities services, moved into the position of assistant vice president for facilities services. He replaces David Gray, who also retired in December.
Kent Syler (political science) and Dr. Robert “Bob” Bullen (education, retired) were part of the November 2014 episode of “Murfreesboro Storytellers,” a 30-minute interview program hosted by John Hood (government and community affairs) on CityTV, the Murfreesboro City Government channel. Bullen, who also served 24 years on the Rutherford County Commission, and Syler, also an MTSU alumnus, swapped political stories with county election administrator Alan Farley on the program. You can watch the show at http://youtu.be/pb7vwXH8KzM or at www.murfreesborotn.gov/storytellers.

MTSU’S John Hood ,left, interviews retired MTSU professor Bob Bullen, a former Rutherford County commissioner; MTSU instructor Kent Syler; and county election administrator Alan Farley about political stories in Murfreesboro for the November 2014 episode of “Murfreesboro Storytellers,” presented by the city of Murfreesboro. (photo submitted)
In Memoriam

Dr. George Benz
Dr. George W. Benz (biology), a biology professor at MTSU since 2004, died Feb. 9, 2015. Before joining the MTSU family, Dr. Benz was affiliated with the Tennessee Aquarium from 1991 to 2003 and served as founding director of the Tennessee Aquarium Research Institute from 1997 to 2003. His broad interests in applied and basic biology led to research on parasites, freshwater mussels, freshwater turtles and fishes, but he specialized in studying fish parasites. His most recent research dealt with movements and feeding strategies of sleeper sharks. Dr. Benz earned his bachelor’s degree from the University of Connecticut, his Master of Science in renewable natural resources conservation (fisheries science) from the University of Connecticut and his doctorate in zoology (parasitology) from the University of British Columbia.

Johnnie B. Cantrell
Mr. Johnnie B. Cantrell (Facilities Services), a custodian for MTSU’s Facilities Services from July 2004 until his retirement in July 2014, died Feb. 28, 2015. Memorial services were held March 7 at Bethel Missionary Baptist Church in Lascassas. He is survived by a host of devoted family members and friends.

Raymond Lee Garner
Mr. Raymond Lee Garner (Grounds Services), a maintenance utility worker for MTSU’s Grounds Services from April 1987 until his retirement in April 1997, died Feb. 9, 2015. A native of Sherwood, Tennessee, Mr. Garner lived in Murfreesboro most of his life and was a heavy-equipment operator and farmer. He was preceded in death by his parents, Buford and Ona Mae Garner; brother Donald; and sister Mary Cussins. Mr. Garner is survived by his wife of 57 years, Mamie Lois Garner; his children, Nancy Garner, Paul (Debbie) Garner and Robert Garner; and his grandsons, Josh and Andrew Garner. He also is survived by his sisters, Deloris Campbell, Wanda Sanders and Sandra Steele, and brothers, Kenneth Garner, Harold Garner, Gene Garner, and Bill Garner, as well as many nieces and nephews.

Wanda Lou Hannah
Mrs. Wanda Lou Hannah (Phillips Bookstore), a technical clerk in MTSU’s Phillips Bookstore from July 1973 until her retirement in June 2002, died Feb. 24, 2015. Mrs. Hannah was a native of Coffee County, member of the Bell Springs United Methodist Church, a 1954 graduate of Manchester High School and attended MTSU. She was the daughter of the late Robert Leland and Rose Adeline Thomas. She was also preceded in death by her husband, Kenneth Lyle Hannah, and a brother, Jack Nolan Thomas. Mrs. Hannah is survived by her daughters, Tammy Hannah McCrary and her husband Wayne, Cindy Hannah, and Jodi Hannah; grandchildren, Adam and Andy McCrary, Chris and Rob Bellenfant, and Amanda Curran; and three great-grandchildren, all of Murfreesboro, along with many nieces, nephews and other loving family.

Dr. Linda Patterson
Dr. Linda Patterson (health and human performance), who taught at MTSU from September 1968 until her retirement in June 1999, died Nov. 3, 2014. Dr. Patterson was an assistant professor in what was then known as the Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation. A graduate of Watertown High School, she earned her master’s degree from MTSU and her doctorate from the University of Indiana. Her survivors include her children, Bryan (Barbara) Patterson and Michael (Christie) Patterson, both of Watertown, and Jamie (Kevin) Vaught of Beech Grove and Ginny Patterson of Lebanon; her grandchildren, Adam (Elizabeth), Dalton, Taylor and Victoria Patterson, Ethan (Lacey), Amelia and Anthony Patterson, Dakota, Dylan and Delaney Vaught, and Drew and Rylee Agee; her great-grandson, Crockett Patterson; and her siblings Gail (Harry) Bennett of Watertown, Georgia (Terry) Wilkerson of Dickson, Karen Gilbert of Waco, Texas, and Wayne (Gail) Thompson of Hawley, Texas, as well as nieces and nephews.

Dr. Dan Reynolds
Dr. Daniel “Dan” Reynolds (accounting), who taught at MTSU from August 1974 until his July 2010 retirement, died Feb. 18, 2015. Dr. Reynolds was a professor in the Department of Accounting and also taught business law. Born in Indianapolis, Indiana, he was the son of the late Eli and Maggie Melton Reynolds. Dr. Reynolds is survived by his wife, Karen Reynolds, and son, Michael Reynolds, both of Murfreesboro, and a brother, Donald Q. Reynolds of Champaign, Illinois. He was preceded in death by a sister, Doris Jackson.
Fall 2014 Update

Dr. David Lavery

Dr. Katie Foss
Dr. Katie Foss (mass comm graduate faculty) has published a chapter, “From Welby to McDreamy: What TV teaches us about doctors, patients, and the health care system,” in the new book “How Television Shapes Our Worldview: Media Representations of Social Trends and Change.”
The book, edited by Drs. Deborah A. Macey and Kathleen M. Ryan of Saint Louis University and Noah J. Springer, a doctoral candidate at the University of Colorado-Boulder, is published by Lexington Books. Foss also wrote an invited entry on breastfeeding in the “Encyclopedia of Health Communication,” edited by Dr. Teresa L. Thompson of the University of Dayton and published this year by Sage Publications.
Dr. David Lavery (English, graduate studies) presented an invited lecture, “Neverending Story: Time Lords and Narrative Time in Doctor Who,” Sept. 25 at Belmont University’s Humanities Forum.

Dr. Roy Moore
Dr. Roy Moore (School of Journalism) has been saluted with a rare honorary membership in the American Association of Occupational Health Nurses for his work as co-editor on the fourth edition of “Fundamentals of Occupational and Environmental Nursing: AAOHN Core Curriculum” (Occupational and Environmental Medicine Press, 2013).

Regina Puckett
Moore and his wife, Dr. Pamela V. Moore, a director of the nursing association’s Southeast Region, worked nearly two years on an extensive redesign and content revision of the textbook, which serves as a resource for a variety of readers, including beginning occupational health nurses, experienced OHNs seeking a “consult” on a particular topic, occupational health nurses studying for certification exams, nursing faculty searching for authoritative source information and more. Dr. Pam Moore also was honored at the AAOHN national conference in Dallas with a lifetime membership.
Regina Puckett (advancement services) has published her latest novel, “Concealed in My Heart,” planned as the kickoff for a five-book series. She writes in multiple genres, including romance, horror, inspiration and children’s picture books, and has been nominated for multiple awards for her prose as well as her poetry collections.

Dr. Jim Williams

Kent Syler
Dr. Jim Williams (Albert Gore Research Center) and Kent Syler (political science) appeared on WTVF-TV and NewsChannel 5+ on the Inside Politics program Oct. 24-26 to discuss the Gore Research Center’s Political Jingle Project.
You can learn more about the project here.
In Memoriam

Dr. William F. Greene

Thomas “Buddy” Taylor
Dr. William Fisher Greene (accounting) died Oct. 24, 2014. Dr. Greene was employed with MTSU from September 1968 until his retirement in July 1994, serving multiple roles at the university, including assistant professor, administrative assistant to the president, budget director, vice president of business and finance and as an associate professor in accounting.
Thomas “Buddy” Taylor (information technology) died Oct. 21, 2014. Mr. Taylor was employed with MTSU as a manager for the Information Technology Division from September 1971 until his retirement in February 1996.