The Getting-Us-Your-Information Age
by Ginger Freeman, Director of Alumni Relations
As director of Alumni Relations, I am committed to finding ways to keep alumni informed and updated on the ever-increasing programs and activities of our diverse campus. We want to be sure that you have all the information you need to stay informed and involved with your alma mater. It’s an important part of everything we do, and to do that effectively, we need your help.
Ginger Freeman, Director of Alumni Relations
Over the past 20 years, the tools we have to communicate with alumni have changed dramatically. Gone are the days of all paper mail—increased postage and printing costs have significantly affected our ability to send everything out by mail. Today, with nearly 100,000 alumni, we increasingly rely on electronic communication, web pages, and social media to provide you with the information you need. Not only is it cost-effective but also electronic communication allows us to reach you much faster. With the tools we have now, we can keep you informed of upcoming events, reserve your spot at an alumni activity, allow you to connect with classmates in your own MTSU community, and even provide you with campus news in real time.
But to do that, we need your help. Our success is heavily based on our ability to communicate directly with you, and to do so we need your email address! I’m not sure how many times I have been asked, “How do I find out about upcoming events?” It’s easy. Give the Alumni Office your email address, and we will send you a monthly email newsletter with a calendar of events. We also send messages specific to your major, where you live, or what you were involved in while at MTSU. This is your university, and we want to give you the opportunity to be involved and informed about what’s going on at the Alumni Office and MTSU.
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