Table of Contents (Winter 2017)

MTSU Magazine

Middle Tennessee State University

Winter 2017 / vol. 21, no. 2

Feature Stories

Cover Story: The Success Coach
Professor Colby Jubenville’s formula for graduates’ success results in remarkable professional achievements by MTSU alumni like Anthony Dudley

Not-So-Strange Brew

Amidst a growing national trend toward bolder-flavored food and drink (with greater nutritional value), MTSU launches a Fermentation Science degree

En Vogue

For up-and-coming MTSU Apparel Design and Fashion Merchandising students, the timing of the growth of their industry in Nashville couldn’t be any better

Riding a Wave

University-operated WMOT, the most powerful radio signal in Tennessee, partners with industry to broadcast burgeoning Americana music

2016–17 Distinguished Alumni

The MTSU Alumni Association presents its 2016–17 Distinguished Alumni honorees.

A Proper Homecoming

MTSU experts spearhead the effort to bring the remains of Mexican-American war soldiers with Volunteer State ties back to the U.S.

On Solid Ground

MTSU’s real estate brokerage firm allows MTSU students to get real-world experience before they graduate

True Blue Patrol

MTSU’s longstanding relationship with the Civil Air Patrol evolves into a talent pipeline for the University


Five Minutes with the President

A question-and-answer session about MTSU’s new governance structure with President Sidney A. McPhee

Class Notes
You Do What?

Address changes should be sent to Advancement Services, MTSU Box 109, Murfreesboro, TN 37132; Other correspondence should be sent to MTSU Magazine, Drew Ruble, 1301 E. Main St., Box 49, Murfreesboro, TN 37132.

120,300 copies printed at Lithographics, Nashville, Tenn.
Designed by MTSU Creative and Visual Services.



University Editor

Drew Ruble

Art Director

Kara Hooper

Contributing Editors

Darby Campbell, Carol Stuart

Contributing Writers

Lynn Adams, Skip Anderson,
Allison Gorman, Vicky Travis

Design Assistance

Karin Albrecht, Darrell Callis Burks,
Brian Evans, Lauren Finney, Micah Loyed,
Sherry Wiser George

University Photographers

J. Intintoli, Andy Heidt, Eric Sutton

Special thanks to

Anita Carter, Bud Fischer, Ginger Freeman and the Alumni Relations staff, Sally Govan, Tara Hollins, Megan Jones, the staff of MTSU News and Media Relations, the staff of the MTSU Office of Development, Bea Perdue, Jack Ross, Cindy Speer, David Urban, Terry Whiteside

University President

Sidney A. McPhee

Interim University Provost

Mark Byrnes

Vice President for University Advancement

Joe Bales

Vice President for Marketing and Communications

Andrew Oppmann