NASHVILLE — Ten MTSU student researchers were among 61 university undergraduate students from across Tennessee participating in the ninth annual Posters at the Capitol Feb. 12 at the Tennessee State Capitol in Nashville.
In addition to MTSU and the University of Tennessee-Martin, the other participating schools included Tennessee Board of Regents institutions Austin Peay State University in Clarksville, East Tennessee State University in Johnson City, Tennessee State University in Nashville, the University of Memphis and Tennessee Technological University in Cookeville.
The undergraduate researchers not only made their posters and themselves available to the legislators and other visitors to the capitol that day, they also scheduled individual and group meetings with their state senators and representatives.
“It’s exciting to represent MTSU and the exercise science department and let people know we are doing research there,” said Emmy Rice of Luray, Tenn., near Lexington.

Dr. Andrienne Friedli, right, an MTSU chemistry professor and Office of Research Services administrator, listens while MTSU senior Shiloh Siegle shares findings from her undergraduate research. Siegle and nine other undergraduate researchers attended the recent ninth annual Posters at the Capitol in Nashville. (MTSU photos by News and Media Relations)
In addition to Rice, other MTSU seniors selected to participate included:
- Brett Bornhoft, an aerospace major from Nashville.
- Martin Moran, an exercise science major from Clarksville, Tenn.
- Daniel Murphy, a physics major and a Goldwater Scholar from Murfreesboro.
- Shiloh Siegle, who is an early childhood education and elementary and special education major from Murfreesboro.
- Christie Sanborn, a psychology major from Nashville.
- Victoria Harrison, an agribusiness and agriscience major from Greeneville, Tenn.
MTSU underclassmen chosen to participate included:
- Shannon Allen, a sophomore chemistry major from Murfreesboro.
- Lenzie Howell, a junior health education major from Chapel Hill, Tenn.
- Rance Solomon, a junior physics major from Manchester, Tenn.
Solomon’s research, which is titled “Relative Deformability of Sickled Red Blood Cells,” has been selected as one of 61 Posters on the Hill to be displayed in Washington, D.C., in April, said chemistry professor Andrienne Friedli.
Friedli also serves as director of special projects and director of undergraduate research experience and creative activity for the Office of Research.
To learn more about MTSU research, visit
— Randy Weiler (

Ten MTSU undergraduate researchers pause during their visit to the Tennessee State Capitol Building for the “Posters on the Hill” event Feb. 12.