In several national media outlets, MTSU faculty recently expressed their views on the treatment of circus animals, the impact of a compound found in wine and the ways a baby grows in the latter part of the first year of life.

Dr. Angela Mertig
Dr. Angela Mertig, a professor of sociology, shared her perspective on the decision by Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus to stop using elephants in its performances for an article in the March 12 Christian Science Monitor.
Her comments, found toward the bottom of the article, may be read here.

Dr. Jane Lim

Dr. Tony Johnston
Dr. Tony Johnston, a professor in the School of Agribusiness and Agriscience, commented on the presence of resveratrol in wine and its impact on the human body for a March 13 post at
His views are available here.
Dr. Jane Seok Jeng Lim, an assistant professor of early childhood education, explained the stages of development in babies from 8 to 12 months of age for a March 26 post at
Her statements can be accessed here.
Reporters seeking expertise from MTSU personnel, as well as members of the campus community with expertise for media, may contact Gina Logue in the Office of News and Media Relations at 615-898-5081 or via email at