There’s still time to get your certified organic cucumber, broccoli, cauliflower, tomatoes and even cut flowers from the MTSU Small Farm at the Murfreesboro Saturday Market...
MT. JULIET, Tenn. — Middle Tennessee State University representatives recently accepted a $100,000 grant from global device care company Assurant Inc. that will go toward a new..
Middle Tennessee State University’s Office of Research and Sponsored Programs will host the final two speakers for the fall “Raider Research Series” that showcases faculty research. ..
Middle Tennessee State University students helped build a spacious home for a family of seven in need at this year’s recent Rutherford County Habitat for Humanity panel build in..
In the October edition of “Out of the Blue,” the television magazine program for Middle Tennessee State University, viewers will learn more about the growing..
The national commander of Civil Air Patrol, the volunteer civilian auxiliary of the U.S. Air Force, recently paid a visit to Middle Tennessee State University..
Middle Tennessee State University students and faculty will observe fall break from Saturday, Oct. 12, through Tuesday, Oct. 15...
Middle Tennessee State University’s Office of Consumer Research is taking a closer look at the state’s housing and real estate market from the perspective of buyers, sellers..
Partnerships, Daniels Center, Daniels Veterans Center, Charlie and Hazel Daniels Veterans and Military Family Center, Veterans, Fundraiser, Alumni News, Jim Mattis, Bill Frist, Sidney A...
Middle Tennessee State University continues to bolster its community connections beyond campus through a burgeoning partnership with longtime nonprofit Main Street Murfreesboro, whose mission is to promote..