Karen Sluder brought a good-sized plastic grocery bag loaded with outdated medications she and her husband, Rick Sluder, a Middle Tennessee State University administrator, have accumulated in recent years.
She handed the bulging sack off to Lindsey McInturff of Nashville, Tennessee, a fourth-year Lipscomb University College of Pharmacy student, who is spending April helping in the MTSU Campus Pharmacy and assisted MTSU pharmacist Tabby Ragland with this spring’s Prescription Drug Take Back Day.

Karen Sluder was one of a number of local residents bringing old or expired medications to the spring Drug Take Back Day at MTSU Tuesday, April 19, next to the Campus Pharmacy drive-thru outside the university’s Student Health, Wellness and Recreation Center.
The event is held in conjunction with both the Murfreesboro and National Prescription Drug Take Back Day, which will be held Friday and Saturday, April 21-22, at various locations across the city, county and country. Members of MTSU’s student Raider Health Corps are expected to help with these events.
Residents contributed nearly 54 pounds of meds in the 5 1/2-hour event, Ragland said.

“We had several MTSU employees and students participate in the event this year,” she said. “We received more than 30 unique controlled prescription items as well as lots of veterinary medications. Many patrons thanked us for hosting the event on campus.”
The Sluders also contributed various unwanted medicines.
“I brought vitamins, expired medications and prescription medications we don’t take any more,” Karen Sluder said. “I haven’t come (to the MTSU event) in a couple of years. I found some in our closets and took the labels off the prescription medications.”
Rick Sluder is dean of the University College, vice provost in the Office of Student Success and member of the Department of Criminal Justice Administration faculty.

Rick Chapman, director of MTSU Student Health Services, said their division “is privileged to hold this event twice a year in partnership with the campus police (MTSU Police Department) and MTSU’s Stormwater Program.
“Thanks to all who came out to drop off their expired and unused medications to protect our children and keep them out of our waterways.”
The event is part of the national Prescription Drug Take Back Day, the Drug Enforcement Agency’s effort to remove excess drugs from communities. The event aims to provide a safe, secure and environmentally responsible means of disposing of prescription drugs while also educating the public about the potential for abuse and trafficking of medications.
— Randy Weiler (Randy.Weiler@mtsu.edu)