Two of Middle Tennessee State University’s original five buildings are getting a significant upgrade through a $54.3 million renovation project of Kirksey Old Main and Rutledge Hall...
Renowned historian and author Pablo Mijangos will visit Middle Tennesse State University on Monday, April 22, to deliver a free public lecture about the ongoing..
Middle Tennessee State University Human Development and Family Science students recently went full speed ahead with a landlocked “cruise” party held at St. Clair Street..
Middle Tennessee State University’s Raider Xpress shuttle will operate on a new schedule during the summer semester effective May 20 to Aug. 9...
Middle Tennessee State University’s Relay for Life student organization recently hosted a wildly successful annual fundraising event to advance the American Cancer Society’s cancer research and continues that..
Attending the state of Tennessee’s Day on the Hill at the state Capitol may be one of the high points in the collegiate career of..
In his first appearance on the True Blue TV show, Mohammad Meerzaei talks about the significance of studying and learning about the Middle East and..
Raised in foster care in Indiana since he was only 4 years old, Middle Tennessee State University custodian Jeffery Bowles made a decision in high..
Middle Tennessee State University chef Mike Wojciechowski has combined his passion for cooking with his penchant for competition to create an award-winning combination...
MURFREESBORO, Tenn. — The Murfreesboro branch of the American Association of University Women will host the annual “Equali-TEA” scholarship fundraiser at a new location this..