Middle Tennessee State University representatives appeared on WGNS Radio recently to talk about special library exhibits, the university’s new general education curriculum, and an upcoming..
Middle Tennessee State University’s National Women’s History Month keynote speaker Rebekah Taussig will be “sitting pretty” March 28 as she advocates for inclusivity and accessibility..
When Faben Zeleke first enrolled at Middle Tennessee State University, her intent was to practice medicine — but after a summer researching at Fisk University in Nashville, Tennessee,..
Middle Tennessee State University was well represented among honorees at the recent “Heroes Luncheon” hosted by the American Red Cross Heart of Tennessee Chapter in the Student Union Ballroom...
Middle Tennessee State University’s Board of Trustees has identified the pursuit of a professional school as the first of four objectives that it feels should..
Grab your baskets and hop on over to Middle Tennessee State University this weekend for the annual Panhellenic Easter Egg Hunt...
Middle Tennessee State University is now offering an asynchronous American Sign Language telecourse through the Center for Accelerated Language Acquisition, the language training partner of the University..
True Blue Core, Middle Tennessee State University’s new general education curriculum that launches in fall 2024, was featured in March’s “Out of the Blue” television magazine..
“No one faces cancer alone!”
Lara Bodary, a staff member at Middle Tennessee State University, cancer survivor, and past attendee of Relay for Life of MTSU..
Hundreds of prospective students and their families will be visiting Middle Tennessee State University soon for a special recruiting event...