Two international students shared their success stories on the May edition of “Out of the Blue,” the Middle Tennessee State University television magazine show...
Dan Eschenfelder, who teaches in the School of Journalism and Strategic Media in the College of Media and Entertainment, walked across the stage at Murphy Center with his master's degree in..
Tennesseans will have a better chance at recovering from opioid addiction through three grants totaling more than $9.1 million that was awarded to Middle Tennessee..
MURFREESBORO, Tenn. — Middle Tennessee State University spring graduate Izzy Gutierrez of Nashville is already putting the skills she learned in class and as a student worker..
MTSU geosciences professors use $260K grant to stoke undergrads’ climate literacy, interest [+VIDEO]
Middle Tennessee State University geosciences faculty recently landed a National Science Foundation grant to make the critical, yet sometimes overwhelming issue of climate change more concrete and relatable to..
Honors Buchanan Transfer Fellow and video and film production senior Brian Maxwell has been named the first Phi Kappa Phi Graduate Scholar recipient at Middle Tennessee State University...
Middle Tennessee State University faculty and staff recently provided the media with their perspectives on various issues, including the 2024 elections, poetry, skeletal remains and..
As the emerging field of data science becomes an everyday part of industry and the modern job market, associate professor and researcher Ryan “Seth” Jones from the College..
Middle Tennessee State University history professor Martha Norkunas emphasizes hands-on learning opportunities for her students that allow them to take their classroom knowledge and apply..
Middle Tennessee State University’s College of Education is working to make student research more of a focus and priority. ..