MT Imagine Animation Studios, stylized as MT IMAGINE, serves clients by creating animated content for MTSU and organizations outside the university. ..
Middle Tennessee State University representatives appeared on WGNS Radio recently to share information about the airing of this year’s “Joys of the Season” arts showcase,..
The plan to attend this year’s Country Music Association Awards was a conversation a year in the making and began in 2023...
Middle Tennessee State University’s Board of Trustees unanimously approved Wednesday, Dec. 4, the addition of three master’s degree programs...
Six Middle Tennessee State University alumni and former students all received a total of eight nominations for the 67th annual Grammy Awards set for Sunday,..
Middle Tennessee State University wrapped up another successful True Blue Tour with more than $1.17 million in scholarships given out to prospective students, school guidance..
Middle Tennessee State University representatives appeared on WGNS Radio recently to share information about an important upcoming application deadline, more accolades for our Recording Industry..
Middle Tennessee State University student researchers lined the third floor of the Miller Education Center, recently presenting their projects to the campus community at the seventh..
Middle Tennessee State University in Murfreesboro is setting the stage for a bright future for 17-year-old James Lawson High School senior Amiya Harris, who..
For a tenth year, Middle Tennessee State University’s Department of Recording Industry in the College of Media and Entertainment has been named among the best..