Prospective MTSU student Emily Repking, left, and her mother, Shirley, listen as Dean John Vile of the University Honors College talks about the need for an ACT score of 25 to be admitted into the honors program. The Repkings are from Godfrey, Ill. Also pictured is Laura Clippard, an adviser and director of the Honors College’s Undergraduate Fellowship Office. (MTSU photos by News and Media Relations)
Looking to find a college in the South for her daughter, southwestern Illinois resident Shirley Repking discovered the MTSU website.
“It is very easy and friendly. All of the information was great,” Shirley Repking said of the website as she and Emily Repking began their “True Blue Experience Day” Oct. 25 in the MTSU Student Union.
Just as the fall semester was beginning in late August, the university unveiled a new-look website that would be more appealing to teenagers — the next wave of future MTSU students.
The True Blue Experience Day gives prospective MTSU students the opportunity to visit campus, take tours, meet with deans, directors and others from admissions, financial aid/scholarships, housing and more. The colleges within the university also have information and their representatives can answer questions posed by the students and their parents or guardians.
The Repkings are from Godfrey, Ill., which is across the Mississippi River from St. Louis. Emily Repking is a senior at Market Catholic High School in Alton, Ill., and said she plans to study accounting.
“I like the size of the university and it’s in a southern area,” Emily Repking said.
MTSU admissions had another good turnout of prospective students for the event.
Other upcoming events this fall include:
• A Fall Preview Day from 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 9. Along with the campus visit, attendees will have an opportunity to attend the MTSU Blue Raiders football game against Florida International (kickoff at 3 p.m.) as part of Salute to Armed Services events; and

Bryant Parker, left, of Nashville and his daughter, Allyson Parker, listen to MTSU financial aid scholarship coordinator Bill McCord, talk about the many potential scholarships available to prospective students at the Oct. 25 True Blue Experience Day in the Student Union. Allyson Parker lives in Nashville and West Tennessee, where she is a senior at Dyer County High School.
• The final “True Blue Experience Day” of the fall will be held from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Friday, Nov. 22, targeting transfer students, but also open to all prospective students.
Go online to http://tinyurl.com/truebluetour to register for any of the special tours or just come to the Student Union, where tours begin. Daily campus tours will continue through Friday, Dec. 13. Visit the site to check availability and to register.
Students who apply for MTSU admission by Dec. 1 receive priority consideration for scholarships.
— Randy Weiler (Randy.Weiler@mtsu.edu)