We Ain’t Done Yet

DJ Sanders playing football.

Contributing Writer- DJ Sanders, MTSU Football

My journey here at MTSU is quickly coming to an end. These have been some of the best years of my life. I remember, during the recruiting process, my parents told me to go somewhere that feels like home, and MTSU was the perfect fit.

I’ve changed during my time here. When I first came to MTSU, I was a skinny, quiet kid. I wasn’t comfortable talking in front of a large group of people; I only talked to my teammates. Now, I will talk to anyone…and I’ve gained a couple pounds, too. Playing football here has taught me so many life lessons. Every day isn’t going to be easy. One of the coaches always says, “The days are long, but the years are short.”

I’ve also become a dad. I love being a dad. Since my son (Damion Jaden Sanders) was born, I have become more selfless, and I’m overall happier. Seeing his smiling face brings me so much joy. It has been hard at times balancing school, football, and parenthood. Some nights I barely sleep, but I don’t mind because my son gives me even more motivation.

 Like Coach Stock said, “We ain’t done yet.”

If you are an athlete here at MTSU and have a story you are willing to share, please contact Stephen Smith.