MTSU on WGNS: alumni showcase, family violence ser...

MTSU on WGNS: alumni showcase, family violence series, public talk, documentary screenings [LISTEN]

Middle Tennessee State University representatives appeared on the March 17 “Action Line” program on WGNS-FM Radio. Pictured, from left, at the station’s studio in downtown Murfreesboro, Tenn., in order of appearance, are Rachel Helms, assistant director, MTSU Office of Alumni Relations; Dr. Rebecca Oldham, MTSU Human Development and Family Studies assistant professor; and Dr. Mary Evins, research professor of history in the MTSU Honors College. (MTSU photo illustration by Jimmy Hart)

MURFREESBORO, Tenn. — Middle Tennessee State University representatives appeared on WGNS Radio recently to share information about an upcoming showcase for Blue Raider alumni, a series of expert panels on family violence, and a public talk and documentary film screening on campus.

They appeared on the live “Action Line” program with host Scott Walker broadcast on FM 100.5, 101.9 and AM 1450 from the WGNS studio in downtown Murfreesboro. If you missed it, you can listen to podcasts of the three featured guest segments from the March 17 program by clicking the appropriate links below.

Middle Tennessee State University representatives appeared on the March 17 “Action Line” program on WGNS-FM Radio. Pictured, from left, at the station’s studio in downtown Murfreesboro, Tenn., in order of appearance, are Rachel Helms, assistant director, MTSU Office of Alumni Relations; Dr. Rebecca Oldham, MTSU Human Development and Family Studies assistant professor; and Dr. Mary Evins, research professor of history in the MTSU Honors College. (MTSU photo illustration by Jimmy Hart)
Middle Tennessee State University representatives appeared on the March 17 “Action Line” program on WGNS-FM Radio. Pictured, from left, at the station’s studio in downtown Murfreesboro, Tenn., in order of appearance, are Rachel Helms, assistant director, MTSU Office of Alumni Relations; Dr. Rebecca Oldham, MTSU Human Development and Family Studies assistant professor; and Dr. Mary Evins, research professor of history in the MTSU Honors College. (MTSU photo illustration by Jimmy Hart)

Guests on the March program included:

Rachel Helms, assistant director, MTSU Office of Alumni Relations, discussed the upcoming Alumni Spring Showcase set for April 9-19. Listen to her segment here.

Alumni Relations has collaborated with various campus departments and programs to put together the showcase, which aims to help reconnect alumni with their alma mater by inviting them back to campus to participate in the numerous events, exhibits, and Blue Raider athletics happening during the busy Spring semester.  

There are many departmental lectures, shows, and exhibits, including family friendly events, that will be open to alumni as well. Check out website with all being offered so far (it’s still being updated/events are still being added). 

While some events are free and open to the public, others may require registration, tickets or other costs. Also, those alumni visiting campus must have a parking permit to park on campus Monday-Friday, but complimentary parking permits are available at the Alumni House, 2259 Middle Tennessee Blvd. OR you can purchase and print a permit for $2/day. Call the Alumni Office at 615-898-2922 or email with questions.

Listen to her segment here.

• Dr. Rebecca Oldham, MTSU Human Development and Family Studies assistant professor, discussed the third annual Family Violence Professional Panel Series set for the last three Mondays in March on the MTSU campus.

Oldham, an assistant professor in the Human Development and Family Science Program, partnered with multiple colleges and departments to offer three panel-style events focused on different types of family violence and featuring local field experts, Q&A sessions, networking opportunities and refreshments. Students, staff and the community at large are invited to attend the free sessions.

The first panel discussion on March 17 focused on intimate partner violence, stalking and sexual assault, while child abuse is the focus March 24, followed by the topic of elder abuse  on March 31. Each panel will be held in Room 106 of the Academic Classroom Building, 1751 MTSU Blvd., at 2:20 p.m. followed by a networking reception at 3:45 p.m. with refreshments served.

Listen to her segment here.

• Dr. Mary Evins, research professor of history in the MTSU Honors College, discussed the recent visit by documentarian Christy Carpenter and showcase of her film, “Shaking It Up! The Life and Times of Liz Carpenter,” as part of National Women’s History Month. 

Christy Carpenter discussed her mother and legendary journalist and the making of the film. Discussion moderators were Evins and Sarah Childress, director of strategy and operations at Nashville PBS, who handles independent films for the Nashville public television station, which will soon broadcast “Shaking It Up!”

Liz Carpenter worked as a reporter until she became the first woman executive assistant to Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson from 1961-63. When Johnson took office after President John F. Kennedy’s assassination, she stepped into the role as press secretary for first lady Claudia “Lady Bird” Johnson.

Listen to her segment here.

Students, faculty and staff who are interested in guesting on WGNS to promote their MTSU-related activities should contact Jimmy Hart, senior director of MTSU News and Media Relations, at 615-898-5131 or via email at

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