The opportunity to win a free spring-break trip to Destin, Fla., and tickets to a Nashville Predators game are just two of the highlights of MTSU’s fourth annual National Intramural-Recreational Sports Association Sports and Fitness Day.
The event will be held Wednesday, Feb. 22, from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m. in the Student Health, Wellness and Recreation Center gym, said Jenny Crouch, Campus Recreation Center marketing and adaptive recreation coordinator.
The event is free for all MTSU students, faculty and staff.
Other highlights will be the annual faculty/staff dodgeball tournament, dance showcase and climbing clinic. All begin at noon. Games, food samples and free chair massages also are part of the day’s activities.
A variety of local retailers, nonprofit organizations and campus organizations and departments will be providing information about living a healthier and greener life, Crouch said.
“Not only will they provide health assessments and information about products and services to encourage wellness, they also will be giving away an assortment of door prizes, samples, coupons and giveaways,” Crouch said.
Campus Recreation, Student Health Services, Student Programming and the Student Government Association are sponsoring the event, which provides information regarding healthy living and wellness, Crouch said.
For more information about Sports and Fitness Day at MTSU or the dodgeball tournament, call Crouch at 615-898-8472 or email