For one of the first college recruiting fairs in the Middle Tennessee region, area high school students and their parents and families are invited to attend the upcoming Rutherford County College Night.
The event, which features about 40 colleges and universities in the Southeast, will be hosted by MTSU. It will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. Monday, Aug. 31, in the Student Union Ballroom, 1768 MTSU Blvd., on the MTSU campus in Murfreesboro. For general information, visit

Rutherford County College Night will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. Monday, Aug. 31, in the Student Union Building Ballroom. (MTSU photo by Randy Weiler)
Anyone planning to attend should park in the Rutherford parking lot off Rutherford Boulevard on the east side of campus. Shuttles will transport visitors to the Student Union Building and return them when they leave. To find parking and building location, a printable campus map is available at
Students from Rutherford and surrounding counties are welcome to attend. No registration is required.
Along with MTSU personnel, dozens of colleges and universities will send representatives in their effort to recruit students for the 2016-17 academic year and beyond.
“This is an efficient way for students in Rutherford and neighboring counties to maximize interactions with multiple institutions in a short period of time,” said Kristen Russell, senior admissions counselor in Admissions and Enrollment Services.
“The event is planned in the evening, which allows parents and families to attend with their students as they play a large role in the college decision-making process,” Russell added.
For questions about the event, call 615-898-2233 or email
On the night of the event, anyone having a problem with directions or last-minute questions can call 615-898-5670 until 7:30, Russell said.
The Tennessee Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers endorses the event.
— Randy Weiler (