Middle Tennessee State University’s admissions team, administrators and staff from multiple departments will continue the 2018 True Blue Tour with stops next week in Bowling Green and Louisville, Kentucky.
MTSU goes on the road to recruit prospective undergraduate, graduate and transfer students Wednesday, Oct. 10, in Bowling Green and Thursday, Oct. 11, in Louisville. It is part of a 14-city tour across four states.
In Bowling Green, the 6 p.m. Oct. 10 student reception will be held at The Sloan Convention Center at the Holiday Inn University Plaza, 1021 Wilkinson Trace.

Peter Cunningham, left, MTSU vice provost for academic programs, shares information about the Academic Common Market with Clayton Karsner and his parents, Ramona and Steve Karsner, in October 2017 during the MTSU True Blue Tour visit to Bowling Green, Ky. Clayton Karsner, 17, is a senior at Boyle County High School in Danville, Ky. His older sister, Madi, is a junior in the MTSU College of Education. (MTSU file photo by Randy Weiler)
On Oct. 11, MTSU will host counselors and community college staff at a 12:30 p.m. luncheon and a 6 p.m. reception for students and families, with both events at the Louisville Marriott East, 1903 Embassy Square Blvd.
The True Blue Tour events are free. To register, visit http://www.mtsu.edu/schedule-a-visit/special-events.php.
In both Bowling Green and Louisville, President Sidney A. McPhee will be announcing a newly combined Presidential Scholarship for qualifying students who have a 25 to 29 ACT score and 3.5 and higher GPA, and who meet eligibility criteria and apply by Dec. 1.
The enhanced Presidential Scholarship is a move that will more than double the amount awarded to some high-ability freshmen who enroll next fall. This scholarship will increase to $18,000 in total value, paid out to eligible incoming freshmen at $4,500 a year for four years.
The next MTSU Fall Preview Day will be Saturday, Nov. 3. Visit www.mtsu.edu/rsvpto register. There’s also a special Saturday visit day Oct. 20. Guided campus tours are available daily. Schedule a tour at www.mtsu.edu/tours.

MTSU College of Basic and Applied Sciences adviser Irina Novozhilova, left, shares the name of a fellow adviser with Terence Pettus Jr., 16, now a senior at Shawnee High School Magnet Career Academy, as Terence Pettus Sr. observes. The exchange took place in October 2017 during the True Blue Tour visit to Louisville, Ky. (MTSU file photo by Randy Weiler)
Prospective students need to submit their application for admission and accompanying documents by Dec. 1 to meet the guaranteed scholarship deadline. To apply, visit www.mtsu.edu/applynow.
The university’s Regional Scholars Program allows select non-Tennessee resident students who live within approximately 250 miles of MTSU and meet specific academic requirements to attend MTSU at a greatly reduced rate and qualify for the Freshman Academic Merit Scholarships.
Qualifying students receive a reduced tuition rate roughly half of the standard out-of-state rate. Students participating in the Academic Common Marketprogram may receive even lower rates.
For Kentucky residents, MTSU programs in the Academic Common Market include aerospace’s unmanned aircraft systems, concrete industry management, animation and three recording industry concentrations: audio production, commercial songwriting and music business.
To learn more about the Regional Scholars Program, visit http://www.mtsu.edu/financial-aid/scholarships/regional-scholars.php. To learn about the Academic Common Market, visit https://www.mtsu.edu/acm/.
— Randy Weiler (Randy.Weiler@mtsu.edu)