The spring MTSU Department of Physics and Astronomy Star Party series begins Friday, Feb. 1, when professor John Wallin discusses “Cosmic Chemistry” in Wiser-Patten Science Hall Room 102.
First Friday Star Parties are a way for the department to bring MTSU, Murfreesboro and surrounding communities together. The event will feature a lecture followed by telescope viewing outdoors, weather permitting.
The event, which is free, is open to the public and MTSU students and faculty. Attendees should dress according to the weather for the outdoor portion.

MTSU astrophysicist John Wallin will lead a discussion on “Cosmic Chemistry” to launch the First Friday Star Party series for the spring. It starts at 6:30 p.m. Feb. 1 in Room 102 of Wiser-Patten Science Hall. (MTSU file photo by J. Intintoli)
To find free parking after 6 p.m. on campus, visit Handicap parking requires a state permit.
Wallin said he will talk primarily about “a really basic question — where did your atoms come from?” during his 45- to 60-minute lecture, which starts at 6:30 p.m.
“Even though this seems like an impossible question to answer, we have come to a good understanding of the cosmic origin of the elements,” Wallin said. “It isn’t a simple story, but the atoms in your body come from six different cosmic processes. From the origin of the universe to the hearts of supernova, we will discuss cosmic nucleosynthesis.”
Wallin said a quote from the late Carl Sagan, a U.S. astronomer, is quite fitting: “In order to make an apple pie from scratch, you first must create the universe.”
“We are going to explore the very first steps in the recipe,” Wallin added.
Other spring Star Parties include:
• March 15 — “Something About Time,” featuring associate professor Nat Smith.
• April 5 — “Small Bodies in the Solar System,” featuring assistant professor Jana Ruth Ford.
• May 3 — “50-year Anniversary of the Moon Landing,” featuring instructor Irina Perevalova.
For more information anytime about MTSU’s Star Parties, visit
— Randy Weiler (