MTSU’s Jones College maintains prestigious AACSB a...

MTSU’s Jones College maintains prestigious AACSB accreditation

The Jennings A. Jones College of Business at Middle Tennessee State University has maintained its business and accounting accreditations by AACSB International—The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.

Founded in 1916, AACSB International is the longest-serving global accrediting body for business schools that offer undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral degrees in business and accounting. The five-year extension of accreditation means that the Jones College will be reviewed again in early 2021.

Dr. David Urban

Dr. David Urban

AACSB Logo-squareAACSB Accreditation is the hallmark of excellence in business education and has been earned by less than 5 percent of the world’s business programs. Today, there are 761 business schools in 52 countries and territories that maintain AACSB Business Accreditation. There are only 183 institutions worldwide, including the Jones College at MTSU, that maintain an additional specialized AACSB Accreditation for their accounting programs.

“AACSB Accreditation is the gold standard of quality for business schools around the world,” said Dean David Urban of the Jones College. “Business schools holding AACSB accreditation undergo a rigorous review every five years. The reviewers examined every aspect of the Jones College: management and innovation; students, faculty and staff; learning and teaching; and academic and professional engagement.

“I am very proud of our faculty, staff, students and alumni who play a major role in carrying on a tradition of educational excellence. We are truly in an elite category among all business and accounting programs worldwide.”

This undated file photo shows the courtyard outside the MTSU Business and Aerospace Building, which houses the Jennings A. Jones College of Business. (MTSU file photo)

This undated file photo shows the courtyard outside the MTSU Business and Aerospace Building, which houses the Jennings A. Jones College of Business. (MTSU file photo)

With 3,200 students (2,800 undergraduate, 400 graduate), 161 full-time faculty and staff, and an operating budget exceeding $21 million, the Jones College is the top producer of baccalaureate and graduate business graduates for the Greater Nashville economy.

“It takes a great deal of commitment and determination to earn and maintain AACSB Accreditation,” said Robert D. Reid, executive vice president and chief accreditation officer of AACSB International. “Business schools must not only meet specific standards of excellence, but their deans, faculty, and professional staff must make a commitment to ongoing continuous improvement to ensure that the institution will continue to deliver the highest quality of education to students.”

The team of accreditation reviewers from AACSB International had particular praise for the Jones College’s commitment to MTSU’s Quest for Student Success, and for the quality and services of the Jones College Advising Center. The university launched the Quest initiative a few years ago to improve retention and graduation rates.

Jones College of Business logo-updated“This accreditation extension illustrates the exceptional education that the Jones College continues to provide our students, leading them to outstanding careers in a variety of business fields, not only right here in Middle Tennessee but all over the world,” MTSU President Sidney A. McPhee said. “My thanks to Dean Urban for his leadership in accomplishing this important milestone.”

The Jones College offers three undergraduate degree programs with 10 undergraduate majors, seven master’s degree programs and one doctoral program. The college also offers 19 minors that are open to students throughout the university regardless of their major.

To learn more about MTSU’s Jones College of Business, visit Or to learn more about AACSB International accreditation, visit the accreditation section of the AACSB International website at:

— Jimmy Hart (

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