What is the key to getting college students more engaged in the democratic process, especially in an election year?

MTSU students Jayme Stevens, seated at left, and Kellye Guinan register students to vote on Constitution Day, Sept. 17, at MTSU near Peck Hall. (photo submitted)
The American Association of University Women of Murfreesboro will present Dr. Mary Evins, an MTSU history professor and coordinator for the American Democracy Project, at 6 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 13.
The event will take place in Room 101 of MTSU’s Ingram Building, located at 2269 Middle Tennessee Blvd. in Murfreesboro.

Dr. Mary A. Evins
Evins said one of the project’s goals is to increase “students’ growth in awareness of American heritage and their personal responsibilities in a participatory democracy.”
The American Democracy Project was founded in 2003 as an initiative of the American Association of State Colleges and Universities in partnership with The New York Times.
The organization’s website, www.aascu.org/programs/ADP, says it is a “multi-campus initiative focused on public education’s role in preparing the next generation of informed engaged citizens for our democracy.”
A $5-per-plate dinner at 5 p.m. will precede Evins’ presentation.
Reservations may be made by contacting Dr. Ayne Cantrell, MTSU professor emerita, at 615-893-1786 or acantrell@comcast.net.
AAUW of Murfreesboro works toward equity for women and girls in education and in the workplace. Membership is open to anyone with a college degree.
For more information, contact Dr. Meredith Dye at meredith.dye@mtsu.edu or visit http://murfreesboro-tn.aauw.net. You also can learn more about the MTSU American Democracy Project at its website, http://capone.mtsu.edu/amerdem.
— Gina K. Logue (gina.logue@mtsu.edu)