Registration is open for one of MTSU’s most enlightening events about one of the world’s most devastating tragedies. The 14th biennial Holocaust Studies Conference is..
MTSU faculty and staff lent their expertise to several media outlets recently on various topics, including polio, Salman Rushdie, Future Farmers of America, Lindsey Graham,..
Producer/Host: Gina LogueGuest: Monique Richard Synopsis: The MTSU alumna talks about being a spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics...
What happens when interior design majors perform a cultural bias awareness exercise will be the subject of the next “MTSU On the Record” radio program...
Interior design majors at MTSU have a worldwide view of their future professions after participating in a project designed to help them avoid cultural bias..
Producer: Gina LogueGuest: Dr. Deanna Little Synopsis: The professor of flute talks about “The Dolly Project,” a 2019 CD of chamber music inspired by the..
“Nothing less than the whole of you will do.” Andrew Forsthoefel communicated that message to incoming freshmen and new transfer students Sunday, Aug. 21, at..
An MTSU honor fraternity is being hailed for its unceasing engagement with the university’s alumni. MTSU’s Beta Psi chapter of Phi Sigma Pi received the..
The associate dean of MTSU’s University Honors College will help guide the direction of one of the country’s most prestigious honor societies. Philip Phillips, who..