Those looking to pursue an advanced higher education degree — and, in turn, boost their careers — can discover the necessary steps at an upcoming..
Middle Tennessee State University’s Blue Raider Debaters got off to a promising start to its competitive season this past weekend at the University of Northern..
MTSU will conduct flu-shot clinics for university employees and students on Wednesday and Thursday, Oct. 2-3, at two convenient locations on campus, offering the seasonal vaccines..
KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — Middle Tennessee State University’s True Blue Tour events held in Knoxville and Johnson City this week and in Chattanooga on Sept. 17..
Dr. Thomas J. Sugrue, author, professor and specialist in 20th century American politics, delivered the 2013 Strickland Visiting Scholar Lecture in History on Tuesday, Sept...
Want to sip your cup of joe with a taste of jazz? The MTSU Jazz Voice Department has partnered with JoZoara Coffee Shop in Murfreesboro..
MTSU’s Todd Art Gallery is featuring the work of beginning fine arts students with a special exhibit, “Foundations Showcase 2013,” which runs through Thursday, Oct...
A recent edition of the “MTSU On the Record” radio program featured a visiting lecturer and expert on civil rights and racial history. Host Gina Logue’s..
With a campuswide goal of $115,000, Middle Tennessee State University recently kicked off this year’s Employee Charitable Giving Campaign inside the Student Union with a..
It was a record performance that drew record crowds to campus as MTSU’s theatrical rendition of the award-winning “Les Misérables” sold out four consecutive shows..
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