The June edition of MTSU’s monthly television program, “Out of the Blue,” offers a passenger-seat view of this spring’s historic coast-to-coast trip conducted by Dr...
The incoming dean of MTSU’s College of Mass Communication, Ken Paulson, recently received an honorary doctorate degree from Buena Vista University in Storm Lake, Iowa...
BEIJING, China — Middle Tennessee State University concluded its delegation’s visit to China on Tuesday after meetings at universities in Beijing and Chongqing and the main..
The Tennessee Board of Regents Committee on Finance and Business Operations has recommended increases in tuition/maintenance fees that are lower than recent years thanks to..
The first MTSU students to make a trip to Vietnam as part of their educational experience reflect on what they saw and heard. They toured..
The director of MTSU’s women’s and gender studies program has been granted a fellowship in one of the most heralded leadership programs in the nation. The..
A special workshop at MTSU on Saturday, June 8, will help students with disabilities prepare to make the big leap from high school to college..
A group of 150 local teachers will learn the latest teaching techniques to improve their students’ performance and boost the state’s effort to comply with..
Producer/Host: Gina Logue Guest: Dr. Katie Foss Synopsis: The assistant professor of journalism explains her research into depictions of breastfeeding on prime-time fictional television and..
Nashville Mayor Karl Dean presented MTSU with an Honorable Mention for the Mayor’s Award for Outstanding System-Wide Partner as part of the 31st annual PENCIL Foundation’s..
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