Uelsmann/Taylor lecture reopens MTSU’s Baldw...

Uelsmann/Taylor lecture reopens MTSU’s Baldwin Photo Gallery (VIDEO)

Reopening Jan. 27, 2014, on the second-floor atrium of the Bragg Mass Communication Building on the Middle Tennessee State University campus, the Baldwin Photographic Gallery’s inaugural exhibit by photographic artists Jerry Uelsmann and Maggie Taylor also featured a lecture by the husband-and-wife team.

MTSU Professor Tom Jimison, gallery curator, introduced them to an MTSU audience. Uelsmann and Taylor spoke to a receptive crowd in MTSU’s Learning Resources Center, calling the university’s photography program “one of the finest in the nation.”



The Uelsmann/Taylor exhibit kicked off the Baldwin Gallery’s 50th year. In 1974, Uelsmann was one of the first major exhibitors in the Baldwin Gallery.

Professor Harold Baldwin started the photography program at MTSU in 1959 and established the photo gallery five years later to help expose students, as well as the surrounding community, to the work of leading photographers from around the world.

You can learn more about the Baldwin Photographic Gallery and the Uelsmann/Taylor exhibit at