Duncan’s dancing comes to life on ‘MTSU On the Rec...

Duncan’s dancing comes to life on ‘MTSU On the Record’ [+VIDEO]

The artistry of a dance pioneer and an MTSU faculty member’s interpretations of her work was the topic of a recent “MTSU On the Record” radio program.

Meg Brooker

Meg Brooker

Host Gina Logue’s interview with Meg Brooker, an assistant professor of dance, first aired Dec. 1 on WMOT-FM (89.5 and ). You can listen to their conversation here.

Brooker will explore Isadora Duncan’s work Dec. 11-14 at a conference on musical movement in Moscow, where the professor says Duncan is appreciated more than in the United States. Brooker performed reconstructions of Duncan’s “Prelude” and “Narcissus” Nov. 19-22 at MTSU’s Fall Dance Concert.

Duncan is considered the mother of modern dance, a revolutionary whose free-flowing style represented a radical break from Victorian mores and inspired a more organic, nature-based form of choreography.

“As she worked on her dance movement, she studied natural forces like waves, the ocean, the way wind moves through trees,” said Brooker.

“She also looked to ancient Greece and was inspired by some of the artwork in ancient Greek culture.”

Brooker will perform Duncan’s choreography of “Narcissus,” a waltz by Frederic Chopin, again at the Moscow conference. You can watch a video of her performance of “Narcissus” at the Spring Street Studios in Houston, Texas, at

To hear previous “MTSU On the Record” programs, visit the searchable “Audio Clips” archives at

For more information about “MTSU On the Record,” contact Logue at 615-898-5081 or WMOT-FM at 615-898-2800.

A video clip of the interview may be seen below.