Mitchell-Neilson Elementary School students Don Kim, front, and Freddy Sanchez are joined by fellow MNE student/cameraman Trevelle Timmons during one of the activities conducted during the two-week Camp PRiSM, a collaboration between MTSU and Murfreesboro City Schools. About 50 MNE students participated in the 2012 event, where they learned how to make Sharpie pens, spent time in MTSU chemistry and engineering-technology laboratories and the MTSU Dairy and milk-processing plant and toured the Nissan plant in Smyrna and MTSU aerospace facilities at Murfreesboro Airport.
In the photo below, Jessica Brown, center, a student in the MTSU mathematics and science education doctoral program, works with Andrea Aguilar, left, and Carmen Esparza to color the Sierpenski Triangle project during their second week of Camp PRiSM. Camp PRiSM, or Practices in Science and Math, helps the students expand their knowledge in math and science.
MTSU's Department of Mathematical Sciences and College of Education officials and student teachers assisted with an early portion of the Murfreesboro City Schools' recent Camp PRiSM. Camp PRiSM, which stands for Practices in Science and Mathematics, is a science, technology and math collaboration between the school system and MTSU. The two-week camp…
Take a bunch of boys and girls from Mitchell-Neilson Elementary School in Murfreesboro. Add Caleb Hough, an MTSU senior biology major, supplying ingredients to make something ooey and gooey June 11 in Cantrell Hall of MTSU’s Tom H. Jackson Building. It has all the earmarks for a slimy good time…
McKyla Carter, just 9, liked all the learning so much at the recent Camp PRiSM that it “made me upgrade what I think about what I want to do in life.” This is the kind of impact Camp PRiSM — Practices in Science and Math — can have on the…