The MTSU Raider Outdoor Lightning Leadership is a weeklong outdoor experience for incoming freshmen.
The Aug. 18-23 camp is designed to help new students develop confidence, improve communication and leadership skills, immerse them in Blue Raider culture and help them build a support network to become MTSU’s future leaders, said Jenny Crouch, Campus Recreation marketing coordinator.
Only 50 spots are available to participants on a first-come, first-served basis, and the deadline to register is Friday, Aug. 9. The $150 cost includes food, transportation and accommodations. Campus rec accepts all major credit cards.
Participants will travel by buses provided by Campus Recreation to an East Tennessee camp near the Ocoee River, where they will spend a week enjoying a variety of outdoor activities during the day and leadership and skills development at night.
For more information, contact Josh Stone at 615-904-8484.

MTSU freshmen from a previous Raider Outdoor Lightning Leadership trip enjoy rafting on the Ocoee River in East Tennessee. (Submitted photos)

Previous Raider Outdoor Lightning Leadership particpants work as a team to complete a project.