Synopsis: Zach Dycus, a Knoxville-based former MTSU recording industry major, has left his chosen profession to devote full-time to his invention, the Kangeaux Walkabout, a device to help hold items together and make it easier to carry them while hiking, backpacking or engaging in any outdoor activity.
The “MTSU On the Record” winter-break offerings include an entrepreneur whose invention helps him “hold it together” and a not-so-funny look at humor in the workplace. Host Gina Logue’s interview with Zach Dycus, founder of Kangeaux Outdoors, first aired Dec. 28 on WMOT-FM (89.5 and Logue’s interview with Timothy Dunne, assistant professor…
In a three-week stretch, Middle Tennessee State University’s transfer admissions team will meet with prospective students at nine community colleges across Tennessee. It’s the annual MTSU Promise Tour to reach out to students — from Knoxville to Memphis and from Dyersburg to Chattanooga — in time for them to meet…
In four years’ time, MTSU and McGavock High School in Nashville have forged a budding relationship as partners in The Academies of Nashville program. The Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools’ academies throughout Davidson County enable students to learn through the lens of a career or academic theme in a highly personalized…