Registration deadline passes for STEM Summer Camp ...

Registration deadline passes for STEM Summer Camp for underrepresented middle school girls

The registration deadline for a special STEM Summer Camp at MTSU for underrepresented middle school girls was Friday, May 19, for the June 12-16 event, a camp official said.

Participants will spend the weeklong camp learning about each letter in STEM — one day on science, one on technology, one on engineering and one on mathematics — and the closing day will include a group activity to develop a poster describing a favorite learning activity from the camp.

Those underrepresented in STEM fields include African-American, Hispanic and Native American girls. Girls who’ll be in sixth, seventh or eighth grade this fall are eligible to attend.

The cost is $100 per participant, and lunch and snacks will be provided. Students who are eligible for free and reduced lunches are also eligible for $75 STEM Summer Camp scholarships. For scholarships or to apply to attend, visit

To apply for a scholarship, parents must provide certification of the student’s participation in the free and reduced lunch program.

Each of the daily STEM activities will be held at a different campus location.

The camp will meet from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily; drop-off starts at 8 a.m., and students should be picked up by 4:30 p.m. each day in the Kirksey Old Main lobby in the central part of campus. To find KOM, visit

“Activities are fun, hands-on and age appropriate,” said Dr. Tom Cheatham, director of the Tennessee STEM Education Center at MTSU.

For questions about the program, email Cheatham at or call 615-904-8573.

To learn about other summer camp opportunities at MTSU, visit the Summer Experiences website at

— Randy Weiler (

MTSU STEM camp flyer