Competitors from across Tennessee exhibit their animals in front of the judges during the 4-H State Market Hog Show held in the Tennessee Livestock Center. (Photo by Shana Miller)
The Tennessee Livestock Center recently served as the site for the three-day (Jan. 21-23) 4-H State Market Hog Show. During the show, two Nashville television stations — WSMV Channel 4 and WTVF/NewsChannel5 — reported on the event.
Reporter Terry Bulger’s “Bulger’s Beat” feature called “4-H Teaches Lifetime of Learning by Doing” aired on Channel 4. “Hog Show at MTSU Teaches Responsibility” aired on NewsChannel5.
In case you did not see it on both stations’ 6 o’clock news, you can catch the coverage via the livestock center’s Facebook page, TNlivestockcenter. Digital photos of the event also can be found on the page.
A special event at MTSU’s Tennessee Livestock Center will affect some student parking and Raider Xpress shuttle routes for the first two days of spring 2016 semester classes. The parking lot at the Tennessee Livestock Center on Greenland Drive will be closed Tuesday, Jan. 19, and Wednesday, Jan. 20, to…
Students in the fourth through 12th grades competed in the 41st Tennessee Junior Livestock Expo's Beef Events at MTSU’s Tennessee Livestock Center July 9-11. This year's event continued the tasty tradition of providing chocolate milk from the MTSU Dairy and cookies from the Rutherford County Chamber of Commerce to the…
More than 100 MTSU students mainly from the School of Agribusiness and Agriscience met with representatives from nine vendors and the Peace Corps during the annual Ag Career Fair March 18 in the Tennessee Livestock Center. Agriculture-related companies and universities also included Farm Credit Mid-America, Cal-Main Foods Inc., Thompson Machinery,…