MTSU’s Lyons receives national leadership honor so...

MTSU’s Lyons receives national leadership honor society recognition

National leadership honor society Omicron Delta Kappa recently recognized MTSU’s Susan Lyons with the Robert L. Morlan-Robert Bishop Outstanding Circle Officer Award.

The award celebrates Lyons’ service as an Omicron Delta Kappa, or ODK, Circle Assistant and now Circle Coordinator at MTSU. It also recognizes her contributions as a member of the 2018 Biennial National Convention and Leadership Conference.

MTSU Honors College coordinator Susan Lyons holds the 2020 Morlan-Bishop Outstanding Circle Officer Award presented by the national Omicron Delta Kappa organization. She said she is “encouraged by our amazing students who are willing to dedicate their limited time to learning how to be community leaders.” (MTSU photo by John R. Vile)

MTSU Honors College coordinator Susan Lyons holds the 2020 Morlan-Bishop Outstanding Circle Officer Award presented by the national Omicron Delta Kappa organization. She said she is “encouraged by our amazing students who are willing to dedicate their limited time to learning how to be community leaders.” (MTSU photo by John R. Vile)

Lyons was nominated by Matthew Hibdon, strategic communications manager for the MTSU College of Liberal Arts and ODK member who formerly worked for ODK; Honors College Dean John Vile; and Nathan Wahl, an MTSU Transfer Fellow, ODK student vice president and an MTSU employee in the Department of Building Services.

“I am honored to receive this award, but more, I am encouraged by our amazing students who are willing to dedicate their limited time to learning how to be community leaders,” said Lyons, who has worked to build the MTSU ODK Circle to nearly 150 students in the past seven years.

“My goal was to make it an organization that contributed to our students’ lives by exposing them to leaders in our community through our True Blue Leadership Day and giving back to our community by participating in service projects,” she added.

Lyons said MTSU students “are the most important part of my job and what makes me excited to go to work each day. That they would nominate me for such an award means I make a difference in their lives and that is my constant goal. I am humbled they would recognize me. It means they understand how very important they are in my life.”

Vile said Lyons “embodies the academic, character and leadership traits that ODK so values.” Wahl said she “is truly outstanding. We are honored to have her as a driving force for our ODK circle.” For Hibdon, “Susan takes the ‘ODK Idea’ to heart by developing leaders, encouraging collaboration and promoting our ideals — scholarship, service, integrity, character and fellowship.”

Tara S. Singer, president and chief executive officer, recently announced the honor. Lyons participated in an ODK virtual awards ceremony with other recipients.

In the MTSU Circle’s first decade (2010-20), university members have received six ODK Foundation scholarships, one Roark Meritorious Service Award and now the Morlan-Bishop Award.

MTSU President Sidney A. McPhee and alumnus and former Congressman Bart Gordon were charter members in the MTSU Circle in 2010.

— Randy Weiler (

Omicron Delta Kappa 2020 Morlan-Bishop Outstanding Circle Officer Award recipient Susan Lyons of the MTSU Honors College participated in the recent ODK virtual awards ceremony. She leads the MTSU Circle, which has grown to nearly 150 members. (Screen capture)

Omicron Delta Kappa 2020 Morlan-Bishop Outstanding Circle Officer Award recipient Susan Lyons of the MTSU Honors College participated in the recent ODK virtual awards ceremony. She leads the MTSU Circle, which has grown to nearly 150 members. (Screen capture)