If you’re considering a summer camp for your youngsters, there are endless options.
MTSU offers dozens of choices — music, sports, journalism, something of a scientific nature and more — but the university has made it easier for anyone planning to attend a camp on campus.

MTSU head soccer coach Aston Rhoden, center, offers advice to a group of young players at a MTSU soccer camp in this file photo.
The recently launched MTSU Summer Experiences website, http://mtsu.edu/camps, brings nearly 60 opportunities to the table.
With so many camps throughout campus, MTSU officials realized a central location to enable campers and their families to view all the options would be beneficial.
“We have launched a new site hoping to provide summer activities to everyone from young children to adults,” said Andrew Oppmann, vice president of marketing and communications at MTSU.
“The Summer Experiences site has a range of camps, seminars and other educational activities, including learning a new language, aviation, a number of sports camps, storytelling and the prestigious Governor’s School for the Arts.”
The list includes CUSTOMS, the university’s annual orientation with 10 two-day sessions for incoming freshmen and eight one-day sessions transfer students throughout the spring and summer.
The Web list features the camp name and primary contact, dates and deadlines, cost, a brief description and the age group the camp targets.
Along with the annual MT Sampler Camp — which gives invited high school students an opportunity to discover all aspects of the 500-acre campus — here’s a sampling of summer choices at MTSU:
- The Wright Music Building houses both the Stamps Baxter School of Music July 12-25 for ages 8 and over and Southern Girls Rock & Roll Camp July 25-30 for high school girls.
- Got crime scene investigation in your genes? The CSI:MTSU 2016 will be held June 21-24.
- MTSU athletics offers baseball for ages 6-12, boys’ and girls’ basketball, soccer and volleyball camps for various ages.
- Young people also can choose from camps focusing on yoga, high school cheerleading, guitar, French, Chinese and Spanish languages and more.
— Randy Weiler (Randy.Weiler@mtsu.edu)

Alex Lomis, left, of Nashville observes MTSU flight instructor Zach Hutcherson following cockpit and airplane safety precautions in this June 2015 file photo from the Introduction to Aviation Camp at Murfreesboro Airport. (MTSU file photo by Randy Weiler)