Did you know that MTSU has an app that could direct you to your class schedule, bus routes and dining hours? MTSU Mobile is an app that has been made by students for students in cooperation with the university’s Information Technology Division since 2011.
The app allows you to customize your widgets on the homepage to your own preference. The Mobile Team handles fixing bugs and adding new features to the app.
There are useful functionalities on this free app that could be helpful for both Android and iPhone users who may be scratching their heads a bit. Here are some features that could help make things more convenient for you.
Tracking of bus locations

MTSU’s shuttle bus line, the Raider Xpress, offers scheduled transport across campus beginning at 7 a.m. daily when classes are in session.
We all know parking is not ideal for many public universities, especially when you have a high commuter population like MTSU. To help alleviate these troubles, most students use MT Mobile for tracking the Raider Xpress buses in real time. If you click map on the app, you’ll be able to see and follow the buses on their routes. Also, you’ll be able to locate and track where and when the buses are coming to your destination.
Class schedule information
There’s no need to search through your photos for the screenshot of your class schedule, either; with the MTSU Mobile App, you can check your seven-day class schedule for each day on the app’s homepage. The class schedule features an easy, accessible and organized grid format.
If you’re lost, you can click on the location point for the class to quickly find your destination point.
Quick links
There also are quick links to click, such as MTMail, D2L, myMT, the James E. Walker Library, or the MTSUNews.com website, that will take you straight to the website in the app. These resources come in handy because it’s a faster way to access them.
Dining locations and hours
All of the MT Dining Services are listed in the app with their hours of operation. The app tells you whether that place accepts meal swipes, Flex Bucks or the meal equivalency plan. Up-to-date specials also are listed.
In addition, there’s a Map It option to click to find every dining area on campus and a description of each location, such as the buildings around it.
Search for People
If you forgot your professor’s or classmate’s email, just search for the name, and the email address, department and more information will come up in the app. It’s an easier way to contact someone on a short notice.
If you click on “My Classes” and log in, your grades will show up on the app, tracked from your first semester at MTSU until the current date. Instead of logging on to PipelineMT and clicking through, the app will immediately display your academic progress and schedules. There’s also an option to save your schedule to the homepage or to your phone’s calendar.
Other information
The MTSU Mobile App also is a one-stop shop for:
• Campus office phone numbers.
• Mapping classroom and office locations.
• Faculty contact information
• Current campus weather and forecasts.
• News and events.
• Looking up potential class schedules.
• The MTSU academic calendar.
• Upcoming important dates.
The Mobile Team plans to continue bringing new features to the app, including persistent login, push notification, pinpoint buildings and offices directly straight from the map, accessibility for people with disabilities and more.
For more information about the MTSU Mobile App or any suggestions, bug reports or questions, email the Mobile Development team at mobile.dev@mtsu.edu.

The MTSU Mobile Team is made up of a diverse group of students that run MTSU Mobile app operations. From left to right are Nzubechukwu “Zube” Molokwu, team lead John Peden, Bishoy Boktor, Madison Karrh, Kate Archer and Jesse Offei-Nkansah.