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Students: ‘It’s Time’ for MTSU priority registrati...

Students: ‘It’s Time’ for MTSU priority registration through Nov. 22

It’s almost time for MTSU’s spring 2014 semester, but right now “It’s Time” for students to prepare to register for classes.

“It’s Time” is an awareness campaign by MTSU officials to let students and their families know priority registration will take place through Friday, Nov. 22, and how students can benefit by registering now, not later.

“It’s Time” banners and door hangers are posted in high-traffic areas around campus, including the Student Union and Cope Administration buildings, to keep students informed.

University officials are offering several important reminders, including the following:

  • Each student should check their RaiderNet account during the priority registration period to learn her assigned registration times.
  • All freshmen, as well as many other students, are required to meet with an adviser before they can register for classes.
  • Each student should check his RaiderNet account to resolve any holds before priority registration. Holds include parking tickets, library fines, health services charges and successfully meeting with an adviser. Students also should check their MTSU email accounts regularly for emails regarding holds, advising and deadlines.
  • Students should use the MTSU registration guide — either the printed copy or online version — for important spring 2014 dates and deadlines. Printed copies are available on the first floor of the James Union Building outside the Scheduling Center, located in Room 123. The online registration guide can be found here.

“Students who haven’t seen an adviser should call for an appointment as soon as possible,” said Dr. Laurie Witherow, associate vice provost for admissions and enrollment services.

Dr. Deb Sells, vice president for student affairs and vice provost for enrollment and academic services, said students planning to graduate in four years with 120 credit hours must complete 30 credit hours each calendar year. Students who do not earn at least 30 hours over the fall and spring semesters will need to take summer classes, she added.

For more information, contact the Registration Help Line at 615-898-5094 from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. The RaiderNet system is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, including holidays.

— Randy Weiler (

Click on the graphic above to see MTSU’s online registration guide.