With drought conditions continuing to grip Murfreesboro and other parts of the Midstate, the Murfreesboro Water and Sewer Department asked MTSU on July 3 to implement a 10 percent voluntary water reduction immediately.

Murfreesboro's high temperature on June 29 was 108 degrees, but the thermometer outside Murphy Center shows the "urban heat island" effect of the radiation on the adjoining concrete and asphalt. Triple-digit temperatures scorched the Midstate in June and led to MTSU's decision to help with water-conservation efforts. (file photo)
Gerald Caudill, MTSU director of engineering/building services, said the university will consider “all non-essential water use” when deciding what to eliminate to meet this request.
For example, the university will look to stop washing vehicles and reduce irrigation where feasible, Caudill said. Other efforts will require some modest infrastructure changes.
“It’s a voluntary restriction, but we want everybody to know that we’re supporting the city’s effort, and we would encourage everyone to do the same,” he added.
All water systems serving Rutherford County have asked their customers to reduce water usage during these dry conditions.
A news release from the Murfreesboro Water and Sewer Department outlines ways households and consumers can assist in the voluntary conservation effort, including:
- turning the water off when you brush your teeth;
- making sure that your washing machine and dishwasher are full before operating;
- ensuring that your shower does not last more than five minutes;
- checking for leaks in toilets, sinks, tubs and outdoor faucets; and
- monitoring your bill for high consumption.
Each customer is being encouraged to research the best ways for his or her household or business to conserve water during this period. There are many websites that offer ideas for customers to reduce their water usage.
Murfreesboro Water and Sewer System is asking all customers to voluntarily reduce their non-essential uses of water by 10 percent. This reduction can be achieved by eliminating, reducing or rescheduling non-essential usage, including:
- washing sidewalks, driveways, parking areas, tennis courts, patios or other exterior paved areas;
- filling or refilling swimming pools;
- noncommercial washing of privately owned motor vehicles, trailers and boats;
- any use of water from a fire hydrant (except for fighting fires or water-quality use by MWSD);
- watering lawns, gardens, landscaped areas, trees, shrubs or other plants;
- watering any portion of a golf course, with the exception of the greens; and
- using water for dust control or compaction during construction.
The city department says that, like its customers, it will be doing what it can to use water wisely and not waste it. If customers see MWSD personnel flowing fire hydrants occasionally, “this is only because this is necessary to provide quality drinking water to all customers,” a MWSD release said.
Customers using repurified water will receive separate instructions based upon availability. Repurified water used for irrigation is not included in the voluntary reduction. Repurified water lines are marked in purple.
The Gateway area, including Medical Center Parkway medians, Middle Tennessee Medical Center, The Avenue Murfreesboro, and Stones River Mall use repurified water for irrigation. The Murfreesboro Water and Sewer Department has asked those customers to irrigate later in the morning and afternoon during elevated temperatures to help evaporate the treated effluent.