Middle Tennessee State University welcomed high school students and their families to campus for the season’s second Fall Preview Day Nov. 4.
The event provides a way for prospective students to see the campus, take tours given by student guides, learn about departments, programs and student organizations and meet faculty and staff from academic areas and the Division of Student Affairs.

Students visiting MTSU listen as Emilie Hendren, second from left, a public relations major, informs them about the James E. Walker Library’s many features in this file photo from earlier this year. The second MTSU Fall Preview Day will be held Saturday, Nov. 4, on campus. (MTSU file photo by Eric Sutton)

The MTSU seal is shown on the east side of campus on the Student Services and Admissions Center building. (MTSU photo by News and Media Relations)
To find buildings and parking, visit http://tinyurl.com/MTSUParkingMap.
All public, private and home-schooled high school students in any grade and their families are welcome to attend, as well as transfer and graduate students.
The preview day includes breakfast and an option to buy tickets to attend the 6:30 p.m. Middle Tennessee football game against the University of Texas-El Paso.
Meanwhile, campus officials encourage students to apply by Dec. 1 in order to be considered for scholarships should they meet ACT score, high school GPA and other academic criteria. To learn about scholarships, visit http://mtsu.edu/financial-aid/scholarships/.
MTSU offers daily campus tours at 10 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. every day the university is open. There also will be special Saturday tour at 9:30 and 10 a.m. Nov. 18. Learn about them online or call 615-898-5670 for tour information.
The university’s True Blue Tour recruiting events — taking MTSU on the road to specific cities — continue Wednesday, Nov. 1, in Chattanooga, Tennessee; Thursday, Nov. 2, in Atlanta, Georgia; and Tuesday and Wednesday, Nov. 7-8, in Huntsville and Birmingham, Alabama.
True Blue Tour events include an 11:30 a.m. luncheon for high school counselors and community college staff and 6 p.m. student receptions. For specific venues, visit www.mtsu.edu/rsvp.
— Randy Weiler (Randy.Weiler@mtsu.edu)