For the Feb. 11-15 Sexual Responsibility Week at Middle Tennessee State University and nationwide, MTSU Health Promotion has several offerings.

Lisa Schrader
“Sexplanations” will be held from 3 to 4 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 12, in Cason Kennedy Nursing Building Room 108, said Lisa Shrader, director of Health Promotion.
“U Got Game?” will be held from 2:30 to 3 p.m. and from 3:15 to 3:45 p.m. on both Wednesday and Thursday, Feb. 13-14, in the new Student Union Building’s Parliamentary Room on the second floor of the facility.
“Sexual Responsibility Week is a national campaign for peer health education groups like the Raider Health Corps that has existed for more than a decade,” Shrader said. “The week is focused on promoting responsible sexual decision-making through a variety of activities and events. Students attending the events are encouraged to examine their values, define their personal boundaries and clearly communicate with their partners before making decisions about sex.”
Shrader added that Sexual Responsibility Week provides an opportunity for students to open a dialogue on sexual responsibility and healthy relationships and to generally promote health education on campus.
“In this manner, MTSU students, along with millions of college students across the country, are provided with the opportunity to increase their knowledge about sexual health and to take precautions to protect themselves, their friends and their futures,” she said.
With the “Sexplanations” event, Shrader said misinformation about sex and sexual health is rampant. She added that people attending can learn fact from fiction regarding sexual health and healthy relationships. Raider Health Corps members will cover topics like preventive health, contraception, risk reduction and resources available to students on campus.
The “U Got Game?” sessions Wednesday and Thursday will provide a game-like atmosphere, with attendees having a chance to win prizes. The games will feature topics related to sexual health and healthy relationships.
Shrader said students and others attending “U Got Game?” should pick the time that best works for them and to bring along friends “to see who in your social group has the most game.”
For more information, visit or on Facebook or call 615-494-8704.
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