State Rep. Charles Sargent, R-Franklin, visited the campus of Middle Tennessee State University on Nov. 27 as a guest lecturer.
Sargent spoke to students in University 1010, an innovative course that allows freshmen to learn how university resources can align with career opportunities.
Sargent, who represents District 61 in the Tennessee House of Representatives, was invited to the class by a student, Alex Shaw. Sargent, 67, serves a district that covers the north central portion of Williamson County and was first elected to the General Assembly in 1997.
The University 1010 class is taught by Quintina Burton.

State Rep. Charles Sargent, R-Franklin, right, joins student Alex Shaw, left, and instructor Quintina Burton for a photo during Franklin’s Nov. 27 visit to the MTSU campus to serve as a guest lecturer in University 1010, an innovative course that allows freshmen to learn how university resources can align with career opportunities. The state legislator spoke at Shaw’s invitation. (MTSU photos by John Hood)

State Rep. Sargent, at left, shares a light moment with students during his guest lecture in a University 1010 class Nov. 27.