MTSU’s Blake Osborn, outdoor pursuits coordinator for Middle Tennessee Outdoor Pursuits, or MTOP, knew True Blue students were interested in a university fishing program, and..
MTSU will stage three major events in April to highlight one of society’s most pervasive and horrific problems. • Sexual Assault Awareness Month activities will..
Middle Tennessee State University celebrated students planning to attend the university this fall or are strongly considering major scholarship offers from MTSU on Presidents Day...
Secret Santas are once again needed for this year’s MTSU Little Raiders gift-giving campaign. In a collaborative effort to assist local children in need this holiday season, the University Police..
MTSU faculty and staff appeared on WGNS Radio’s “Action Line” program recently to talk about economics education, an upcoming True Blue blood drive and Homecoming Week..
Middle Tennessee State University alumna Catie Adams created an original artwork that recognizes and celebrates more than 700 MTSU full-time employees who are also MTSU..
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