MTSU plans to test its tornado sirens on campus and at the Miller Coliseum Complex Tuesday, Aug. 14, at 12:20 p.m. This will be a..
MTSU tested its tornado sirens on campus and at the Miller Coliseum Complex Wednesday, July 11, at 11:15 a.m. in a brief, routine test of the..
MTSU plans to test its tornado sirens on campus and at the Miller Coliseum Complex this Tuesday, June 12, at 12:20 p.m. This will be..
When a woman wearing high heels is being pursued by a potential assailant, the limitations of her footwear could give him an edge that many..
A “What Were You Wearing?” museum-style exhibit will be displayed in various locations across MTSU’s campus April 2-6, kicking off Sexual Assault Awareness Month at..
A new program at MTSU is taking aim at bystanders’ tendency to want to stay uninvolved in potential sexual assaults. Activists explained the “Safe Bar”..
Due to unforeseen scheduling and staffing conflicts, MTSU Police has cancelled the Active Shooter Training Drill that was scheduled for March 31 at Boutwell Dramatic Arts Building...
MTSU plans to test its tornado sirens on campus and at the Miller Coliseum Complex this Tuesday, Feb. 13, at 12:20 p.m. This will be..
MTSU plans to test its tornado sirens on campus and at the Miller Coliseum Complex Wednesday, Jan. 10, at 11:15 a.m. This will be a..
MTSU plans to test its tornado sirens on campus and at the Miller Coliseum Complex this Tuesday, Dec. 12, at 12:20 p.m. This will be..
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