Middle Tennessee State University students are being encouraged not to miss a special on-campus opportunity to receive the COVID-19 vaccine at a clinic that resumed Thursday,..
The return of the semiannual MTSU Drug Take-Back event sponsored by Campus Pharmacy and University Policewill be from 7:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thursday, April 22. Expired,..
Friday, Feb. 5, marked the American Heart Association’s National Wear Red Day as part of their “Go Red for Women” campaign. In February 2020, approximately 60 members..
Including about 15 MTSU Health Services and Pharmacy staff members, dozens of area health care workers and first responders received the first round of the..
True Blue Secret Santas are once again needed for this year’s MTSU Little Raiders gift-giving campaign! In a collaborative effort to assist local children in..
MTSU students will have seven opportunities in the next four weeks to obtain free flu shots in a partnership between colleges within the university and..
Reporters from various news agencies recently relied on MTSU faculty experts for perspectives on aging inmates, election security, rural health care, presidential politics, Middle East..
MTSU faculty and staff representatives appeared on two separate WGNS Radio “Action Line” programs recently, first on Aug. 14 with host Nick Cohn to share information about..
MTSU President Sidney A. McPhee announced Wednesday, April 1, that May Commencement ceremonies have been canceled because of the coronavirus pandemic and also announced the..
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